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Episode #19 of “Becoming a post-growth planner: obstacles and challenges to changing roles and practices” with Dr Dick Magnusson (Linköping University, Sweden). In conversation with Dr Christian Lamker (University of Groningen, the Netherlands).
You might want to read into the following works that are related to this episode:
- Grundel, I., & Magnusson, D. (2023). Planning to grow, planning to rock on – infrastructure management and development in shrinking municipalities. European Planning Studies, 31(6), 1184–1202. https://doi.org/10.1080/09654313.2022.2108311
- Magnusson, D., & Grundel, I. (2023). Large technical systems in shrinking municipalities – Exploring system reconfiguration of district heating in Sweden. Energy Research & Social Science, 97, 102963. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.erss.2023.102963
- Magnusson, D., & Palm, J. (2019). Come Together—The Development of Swedish Energy Communities. Sustainability, 11(4), 1056. https://doi.org/10.3390/su11041056
This episode is also available on YouTube (channel: @postgrowthplan).