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Episode #18 of “Becoming a post-growth planner: obstacles and challenges to changing roles and practices” with Prof Dr Antje Bruns (University of Trier, Germany). In conversation with Dr Christian Lamker (University of Groningen, the Netherlands).
You might want to read into the following works that are related to this episode:
- Keynote DOKORP23, Prof. Dr. Antje Bruns, The Governance of Sustainability. Reflections on Science and Policy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQ5SqJWPSJU
- Bruns, A. (2020). Provincializing Degrowth: Alternativen zu Entwicklung und der Globale Süden. In B. Lange, M. Hülz, B. Schmid, & C. Schulz (Eds.), Sozial- und Kulturgeographie: Vol. 38. Postwachstumsgeographien: Raumbezüge diverser und alternativer Ökonomien (pp. 239–256). transcript Verlag. https://doi.org/10.14361/9783839451809-018
- Bruns, A. (2020): Bewertung des Postwachstumsansatzes – Perspektiven aus dem Süden. Themenheft Postwachstum in der Raumentwicklung. politische ökologie 160. S. 79-84. https://www.oekom.de/ausgabe/moeglichkeitsraeume-80750
- Website University of Trier: https://www.uni-trier.de/universitaet/fachbereiche-faecher/fachbereich-vi/faecher/nachhaltige-raeumliche-entwicklung-governance/team/prof-dr-antje-bruns
This episode is also available on YouTube (channel: @postgrowthplan).