Becoming a Post-Growth Planner #17: Stephen Leitheiser

Becoming a Post-Growth Planner: obstacles and challenges to changing roles and practices
Being a post-growth planner
Becoming a Post-Growth Planner #17: Stephen Leitheiser

Episode #17 of “Becoming a post-growth planner: obstacles and challenges to changing roles and practices” with Dr Stephen Leitheiser (Wageningen University & Research, the Netherlands). In conversation with Dr Christian Lamker (University of Groningen, the Netherlands).

You might want to read into the following works that are related to this episode:

  • Leitheiser, S., & Horlings, L. G. (2021). Planning for food commons in the post-COVID world. Town Planning Review, 92(2), 181–186. (Viewpoint).
  • Leitheiser, S., Trell, E.‑M., Horlings, L. G., & Franklin, A. (2021). Toward the commoning of governance. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space. Advance online publication.
  • Leitheiser, S., Vezzoni, R., & Hakkarainen, V. (2022). Painting Outside the Lines: Transgressing the Managerial University, Avoiding Forced Creativity. In A. Franklin (Ed.), Co-Creativity and Engaged Scholarship (pp. 43–73). Springer International Publishing.
  • Leitheiser, S., & Follmann, A. (2019). The social innovation–(re)politicisation nexus: Unlocking the political in actually existing smart city campaigns? The case of SmartCity Cologne, Germany. Urban Studies, 69(3), 004209801986982.

This episode is also available on YouTube (channel: postgrowthplanning).

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