Becoming a post-growth planner #7: Karl Krähmer

Becoming a Post-Growth Planner: obstacles and challenges to changing roles and practices
Being a post-growth planner
Becoming a post-growth planner #7: Karl Krähmer

Episode #7 of “Becoming a post-growth planner: obstacles and challenges to changing roles and practices” with Karl Krähmer (Politecnico di Torino, Italy). In conversation with Dr Christian Lamker (University of Groningen, the Netherlands).

You may like to review the following article that is also mentioned within this episode:

Krähmer, K. (2021). Are green cities sustainable? A degrowth critique of sustainable urban development in copenhagen. European Planning Studies, 29(7), 1272–1289.

This episode is also available as a video recording on YouTube (channel: postgrowthplanning).

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